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Feelings become Words

In the webster dictionary, a poem is described as being an arrangement of words or a rhythmical composition.

And the word, Poet is said to be a person who writes to express him or herself. This is so very true. Real life is expressed in most beautiful poems. Some may be sad, some full of love, and some may even have humor. All this is feelings that a person has. Feelings from the soul aren't always easy to share; yet placing them in a poem gives that person the freedom to reveal the intermost thoughts without judgement.

Reading poetry calms my spirit when I feel turmoil in my life. It gives me a chance to see that my feelings are normal. My dreams of love and fantasies of a prince riding into my life were shared by others. The right words just didn't appear to me in my mind so I searched for the right poem and after reading it, knew that I was quite normal indeed.

I would like to share some of my favorites with you. And maybe you will feel the wonderful expressions of love within them. Each is taking on their own wonderful meaning.

Please find the time to read these great poems and you just might find something that touches your heart or maybe expresses something you wish to say. Words link all mankind together, for without them, there would be no love and understanding.

My wonderful world of Poetry

Because You Love Me
Friends Without Faces
I am Your Mom
My Daily Reminder
My Son
No Charge
One Thing To Remember
Reflections of a Mother
Silence (one of my Own)
When Tomorrow Starts without Me
Whom Do You Love



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